Bladder Training

What is the bladder training? The bladder training is removing the bad habits and learning new habits, giving the control back to you, instead of letting your bladder control you and your life. Research...

Interstitial Cystitis Elimination Diet

Start by following a beneficial diet for your bladder for two weeks.  Then, slowly add up other foods to the diet in order to determine which of them increase IC symptoms and in what proportion.  Try...

Kegel Exercises

What are the Kegel exercises? The Kegel exercises were created to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. There are several ways to make the Kegel exercises, but all of them consist on...


Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when she stops having her period. The previous years leading to that moment are called pre-menopause, or “around menopause”. In average, women go through menop...

Treating hot flushes

Hot flushes are the most common symptom of menopause.  Your hot flushes can happen during the day or at night (also known as nocturnal sweeting).  Your hot flushes can be mild and tolerable,...

Urogenital Atrophy

The discomforts in the vagina and vulva (external labia of the vagina) are common in women of all ages, but they increase with menopause. The decrease in estrogen during menopause is the main contributing...

(Español) Cuidados Postoperatorios

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(Español) Instrucciones Preoperatorias

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